Journey to The Success
Hello friends, my name is Sanjay Singh Rajput and I hail from a middle class family residing in Delhi where my father was always faced with great responsibilities and a restricted income.
My parents’ entire life was spent as a constant struggle of bringing up me and my brothers and sisters. Due to the limited income, I received my education from a government school. As you can well imagine there were a hundred reasons to get spoilt at schoo als the children I studied with came from different kinds of backgrounds. Yet seeing my parents work so hard to make ends meet and the dreams and aspirations they had from me always encouraged me to study sincerely.
I made good friends at school and worked very hard. I participated in all the activities in school and college, and as an NCC cadet I traveled throughout the country. I was active in sports, and I achieved a Black Belt in martial arts. I wanted a good job so I studied hard.
I went on to get my Bachelor’s degree from Delhi University and in order to become a Computer Engineer I received my Computer Diploma from DRCC. I got my first job with a big computer firm.
In the beginning I was very happy with my job as I had fulfilled my dream of studying well and getting a job but within six years I started thinking I hope I have not made a mistake. In those six years of going to work in the morning and returning home in the evening I could not see my life improving in any way.

I could not see my dreams getting fulfilled. The salary I was getting would only last till the 20th of the month and then… my hands would be empty. It would make me shudder, what next? All my time would be spent in the company office. I never got a chance to think or do anything beyond my job. In between these six years I also got married. My responsibilities increased and the income remained the same. I also became a father. With the birth of my son I was over burdened with responsibilities.
You can not imagine my condition. I used to travel by public transport. I didn’t even have enough money to buy a scooter. My father bought a second hand scooter for me. One day I met with an accident and came home with injuries. I broke down and cried. What was I doing wrong. How would I ever fulfil my dreams.
At this point, against all odds I thought why not start some small business. It was difficult because I did not have very much money. But with whatever little I had I started a business of childcare items. For a few months things began to improve but as is prevalent in the market my money got stuck through the lending and borrowing that happens in the market. I was afraid, now what will I do. It felt as if God was forever testing me.
Then one day a friend of mine came to me and said I have a very nice business proposal for you. Come with me I have to show you something. I was already in credit, worried and not very confident of anything new. I refused by saying I don’t have any money. He said, I know and that is why I want you to come with me. It is just a matter of one hour. I asked, what will I have to do? He said, nothing I want you to meet some nice people and listen very carefully to what they have to say. I have always been a very open minded person and so I agreed to go along.
I remember that day and date very well, it was 14 July, 1997. I came flying home. I was very happy because I had found the perfect solution to my problems. Now I would be able to help my family.
I gathered all the information about network marketing on my small computer at home. As I searched my heartbeat became faster because I was experiencing joy I had never felt before. That night I could not sleep. I kept reading the information I had gathered over and over again. I waited impatiently for morning to come. I got ready very early in the morning. My feet were not touching the ground.
15 July, 1997, was the day my life changed forever. I set foot into the world’s biggest business industry – Network Marketing! I started it with all my heart and within six months I resigned from my job. I committed myself wholeheartedly into this industry and never looked back. Because I had no other option. I had burned all the bridges behind me and was only looking ahead. I believe when somebody has two options they are never able to commit themselves to one goal. You can never be successful by setting foot in two ships at the same time. 15 July, 1997 and till this day I never looked back. With sincerity, hardwork and dedication I have always looked ahead.
I bought a scooter but the interesting thing is that at that time I did not have the market value to have it financed in my name. My elder brother, Mr. Ajay Singh Rajput had my scooter financed in his name.
My journey which started from that scooter has brought me to my luxury car, Jaguar and many other cars. This industry has made me the proud owner of several luxurious houses and numerous (45) international trips to various countries. Today because of this direct selling industry I have lakhs of people working in numerous teams throughout India. This powerful industry has given me the wings to travel by air throughout the country to manage my network. It has lifted me from the dearth of the land to the skies.
Message: Friends, this network marketing industry is very pure. If you will give it your hard work, love, respect and honesty it will give it back to you tenfold. If I may say so, it will repay you more than you can imagine.